Random items that may be helpful to some people searching for their roots

March 2025
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First Post
Filed under: General
Posted by: Mike @ 9:18 pm

The whole purpose of this blog is to post random photos and stuff that may be helpful to others searching their family roots. My father took a lot of pictures over the years and I’ve been a big picture taker myself. So my hope is that some photos I post will be found and give a thrill to descendants of the people in them. I thought about posting in but that site isn’t really free.  And Facebook is another possibility but not well suited for this.  For now I think I’ll try this. Eventually any search engine should pick up whatever I put on here.  If you have any tips or advice please comment.

3 Responses to “First Post”

  1. TK Says:
    You might have to be patient, Mike, but sooner or later someone will be searching. I posted several old photos around 2007 (some that I wanted to give away because they are not of my family members), and this year I was contacted about two of them. One was a woman in England, the other only an hour or so from where I live. I now have two new friends! Two tips: 1) I added a tab to my blog labelled Contact and used to give people a way to contact me privately so I can respond without their having to post their email address in a comment. You don’t really want to publish your email on your blog either, so Kontactr is a good way to be able to have a dialogue with someone without putting your email address out there for spammers. 2) If you know anything uniquely Google-worthy about the person in the photo, you might mention it in your post. For example, one of the readers who contacted me had searched on the name of a theater her ancestor had worked at a hundred years ago. I had mentioned it in my post, and that’s how she found me. By the way, I have Detroit ancestors. Looking forward to your future posts!
  2. Nancy Says:
    Hi, Mike. I think it’s wonderful that you’re sharing these photos to help others. Maybe you would like to join GeneaBloggers (at so that more people will know about your blog and the photos you’re posting?
  3. Mike Says:
    TK, great advice. I will do something like that soon. Nancy, good idea. Thanks for the idea.

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